Scott Crabtree Family
Deaf World Missions
After 30 years of working with some of the finest people in the ministry the Lord has made it our desire is to simply be a tool that He can use to manifest Himself. We are seeking full time ongoing support to do the work that God has called us to do with the Deaf. As we see the day of His appearing at hand, we ask for your prayers and financial support for the task that is set before us by claiming II Timothy 2:2, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to TEACH OTHERS ALSO”--THAT ALL THE DEAF MAY KNOW.
Robert Matamis - Legazpi City, Philippines
Robert Matamis, along with his wife Felly, is a Philippino missionary to the Philippino people. His ministries include a Bible College, children's outreach, and church planting.
Lighthouse Legal Ministries
Lighthouse Legal Ministries is dedicated to providing legal counsel and resources to pastors and churches across the United States for assistance in operating their Christ-honoring endeavors with as spotless a testimony to the world as is possible.
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Click the image above to visit their website.
God has given Calvin and Mindy Houser a heart for children in need. They have been blessed to have fostered a child and are now in the process of an international adoption. With this experience, they are seeking to be a help and blessing to Bahay Sibol. Currently, they are very active in preparing, planning, and promoting the children’s home. It has been exciting for them to be a part of this project from the ground up and to see God provide. They are doing everything they can to ensure the success of this new work.
The Hebert Family to Toronto, Canada
Brian and Liz Hebert have a burden for the 'melting pot' that is Toronto, Canada.
Visit their website .
Joe and Amy Hendrigsman ~ Oaxaca, Mexico
We are Joe and Amy Hendrigsman and God has called us to serve in Oaxaca, Mexico. We are sent by Pastor Pete Nugent and the Grace Baptist Church of Lee's Summit, Missouri. We are currently pre-field missionaries and will be moving to Oaxaca no later than January of 2017. Please feel free to look over our web site and contact us with any questions.
Visit their website .
The Minion Family ~ Labrador
We are Nate, Christy, Vera, and Emma, Ezra, Cara and Reya Minion. God has called us to plant churches in the land of Labrador. We hope you will take a few minutes to read about our field and our calling. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
God has called us “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.”
Please pray for us as we take the light of the Gospel to Labrador. Visit their website
Victory World Outreach Ministries ~
Dr. Gardiner and Alice Gentry
Dr. and Mrs. Gentry have been active in planting churches and spreading the Gospel all over the world for many, many years. Currently, their primary project is the Good Samaritan Children's Orphanage in Malawi, Africa.
Visit Dr. Gentry's
The Ruwersma Family ~ United Kingdom
After Kevin and Anna were married, they immediately began working at a church plant in Michigan. A few years later they completed a two-year mission internship in England assisting a church restoration effort. They were able to work in several ministries including: Sunday school outreach, youth rallies, family Bible studies, door- to- door visitation, discipleship, preaching, and teaching religious education in the public schools. During this time, the Lord worked in their hearts and gave them a burden for the United Kingdom. Visit their website .
The Mike Wallace Family ~ Mexico City
We have been called by God as missionaries to second largest (some say THE largest) city in the world – Mexico City. Mexico City is a mega-metropolis and one of the neediest places for laborers. Its population is more than double the population of New York City, yet it sits on a land mass 1/10th the size of New York City. It grows by over 1,000 people per day. About 1/3 of the country’s population live in and around the city. Apart from church-planting, there are many other evangelistic opportunities in Mexico City such as over 1 million orphans and about 50,000 Jews. We are excited about the open doors that God has given us.
Visit their website .
Carol Sandres (Formerly: Carney)
Medical Missionary to Honduras
Throughout my working years, I was able to take several medical missions trips to Peru, where God continued to work on my heart about missions. In November of 2014, God used a former roommate to introduce the field of Honduras to me, where I felt a call unlike any burden for missions that I’ve had before. I am delighted to say that I am acting on God’s plan for my life to begin my life as a missionary in Honduras. Click to visit Carol's website.
Dr. Bill Fennell Family
Bible Translation
Director of National Training
Dr. Fennell has 20+ years of pastoral and school administration experience. He resigned as Senior Pastor of Mt. Vernon Baptist Temple in Mt. Vernon, Ohio and joined Worldview in June 2016. Bill and Amy have been married since 1994 and they have five boys, William VI, Drew, Chad, Gabriel and Cooper.
Click to visit their website
Carl and Charmaine Houser ~ Missionaries to the U.K.
My journey with Christ began at age seven when I repented of my sin and asked Him to be my Lord and Savior. Praise God for faithful Sunday school teachers who continued to share the Gospel with me. The Lord continues to work in my life through conviction of sin, comfort in trials, and a stirring to reach the lost.
While attending a Christian youth camp at age sixteen, I surrendered my life plans to God’s service. Soon after, I sensed God’s leading for me to preach His Word while studying Exodus 4 which later led to training at Crown College of the Bible, a time of shaping me for this call. During my sophomore year, I spent eight months in England serving with missionaries at Beeches Road Baptist Chapel in Blackheath and at Oxford Baptist Chapel. During these months, the Lord brought to my attention the UK’s desperate need for Christ while ministering to both the British and international communities. After finishing at Crown, God allowed me to return to the UK and minister with each of these chapels from May-November 2017. These six months, we had opportunity be involved in Gospel “Revangelize” missions in Liverpool and Manchester, open air outreach, hosting Camp Victory, teaching English to internationals, running children’s Bible clubs and Sunday schools, all the while assisting with regular services at Beeches Road Baptist Chapel. To God’s glory, men and women came to know Christ, and believers are being discipled! – Carl
Growing up in the UK, I was very privileged to hear the Gospel from a young age, unlike the vast majority of my school friends. At age fifteen, my father sent me on a Christian Youth Camp six hours from home, during which I trusted Christ for the forgiveness of my many sins. Going to a very small church in my village and with no other young people, I felt little growth in early conversion, until the Lord brought about a connection with Oxford Baptist Chapel pastored by Derrick Morlan (one of the existing church planters in the UK). Attending evening services at this church (as my home church was too small to run evening services), I remember feeling so compelled hearing him preach “this life is not for you, it is to be lived for God”. I sensed a clear calling to be baptized and to become involved in the Lord’s work. I soon enrolled at Crown College for the year program, hearing of the exciting work through Pastor Morlan and the students who would weekly serve in Oxford. Spending a semester with the Crown UK institution I became very conscious of my need to share the gospel in my home country, feeling so personally accountable to the Lord for where He had placed me. I then finished the year in Powell, TN and met Carl who was in the last semester of his undergrad. God’s timing is so amazing, and I am so thankful for how He has led us together and provided a life mate with whom I can serve Him!
– Charmaine
June 23, 2018 we were married in Quainton, England. Here we raise our “Ebenezer” to say, “Hither by God’s help we’ve come”! We look to the future with much anticipation as we strive to do God’s will together, knowing how wonderfully He has led us thus far. Our goal is to return to the UK during the spring of 2020.
Click here to view their missions video.
Click here to visit their FaceBook page.
James Overton
Program Coordinator, WorldView Institute of India
James served 15 years in pastoral ministry at Newark Baptist Temple in Heath, Ohio. After three trips to India, the Lord called James and his wife toree to give their lives to the work of Bible translation. They joined the staff of WorldView Mission Conference in October, 2021. James serves as the Program Coordinator of WorldView Institute of India. James and Toree have three children; Wesley, Anna and Glory.
Robert & Wendy Mickey
Missionaries to Kenya
Bob & Becky Mach
Missionaries to Ivory Coast
Bob and Becky Mach have served in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa, since 1995. Their four children, Bob, Marylyn, Morganne, and Lucien have grown up working in their parents’ ministries. They have established three churches in the cities of Bingerville and Man as well as in the village of Zanapledougou. Other ministries include a Bible college and seminary, medical, sports and literacy programs. In the future, they are planning to start a Christian school and open a medical clinic. Bob is a graduate of Heritage Christian School. He received a B.A. in Missions and M.A. in Biblical Exposition from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary where he is currently in a D.Min program. He has received the Commercial/Instrument Flight Certificate as well as the Airframe/Powerplant Mechanics license. Becky is a very accomplished musician, proficient in violin, mandolin, piano, singing and music arrangement, as well as video and audio production.